The Physician Coach Blog


Is It Time for a Career Change?

How do you figure out what you might want to do? Physicians have a wealth of skills that can be used in many ways, sometimes the traditional career is not quite right. Learn how we find your path to a fulfilling career.

How to Identify Aspirations and Set Goals

Do you know what you want your future to look like — and how to get there? If you’re feeling dissatisfied with your career, coaching can help you unlock new paths and set goals so you can build a rewarding professional life. This blog describes the process of identifying aspirations and goals – the first steps to making real change.

How to get the most out of coaching

If you’re not sure what to expect from coaching, you’re in good company: Most physicians aren’t very familiar with what coaching is and how transformative it can be. If you’re looking to rediscover fulfillment in your career and life, coaching can help you get there. As with anything, it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you take the ... Read More

What Burnout Looks Like

Burnout can develop gradually. Here are 7 signs you are developing burnout. Learn recognize any of these behaviours and examples, so you can take steps to help yourself.

Your First Coaching Session: What to Expect

Beginning a coaching program is an investment in yourself. And guess what – you are worth it! My coaching program is designed to get into the tough work fast, and you will do well to have an idea what it involved before you start. This blog goes over what to expect and the level of commitment needed.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Can’t shake the feeling that you’re unworthy of your role or falling short of the mark as a physician? Impostor syndrome is common among doctors, I experienced it when I was studying at Cambridge. In my mind, this was a place attended by the elite of British society — so why did they accept me? Sound familiar? To learn about how to deal with it in my latest blog.

Burnout: How to start the conversation as a leader

Physician burnout is a big problem. It is key for medical leaders to spot the symptoms of burnout early and take steps to assist team members. Sometimes a few small changes to how workloads are structured can make a difference. Learn more

Reasons to Consider a Coach

Coaching is a journey to achieve positive change and growth. Together we develop a roadmap for you to make the decisions and explore possibilities. As your coach I have no personal stake in your decisions, my goal is to help you achieve your goals. Click the link to learn more about how coaching can help physicians.

My Coaching Journey: Becoming The Physician Coach

Coaching isn’t just for business and administrative leaders, it’s a valuable tool to help physicians find career clarity and fulfillment — I want to help other physicians, so I became a coach myself. Read more

Values-Based Living: How to Bring Your Authentic Self to Work

It’s no secret a lot of physicians are feeling unfulfilled at work. The demands keep growing, and an increasing number of patients question our expertise and the science behind it. If you’re among the physicians struggling to feel motivated and passionate about medicine, you’re not alone — and the solution may be found in allowing your values to shine at ... Read More

Burnout: Don’t Suffer in Silence

My experience with burnout started very insidiously back in 2017. After a clinical day working face-to-face with patients and their relatives, I would spend the evening ruminating on negatives rather than focusing on how I was helping and supporting my patients. Things came to a head one day as I read an emailed patient complaint. I hadn’t been called out, ... Read More

Everyone has untapped potential
Let's unlock yours.

Contact me to book a free discovery session today.

Dr Smita Halder MBChB MRCP (UK)  MRes PhD Associate Professor and Gastroenterologist McMaster University, Ontario, Canada.

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